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Next morning, Thomas went to the School to find Marc. When he reached to find him, Thomas said him:

- Jana, the girl you met in Limo some ways ago, has been found dead. - said Thomas waiting for his reaction.

Marc couldn’t believe what the detective was telling him and became speechless. That caught him by surprise and followed Thomas without a word of complain.

Once in Thomas’ car, Marc explained that he only wanted to know her and dance a little bit but he noticed that Jana wasn’t interested in him and he let her go. After that moment, Marc swore Thomas that he didn’t see her again.

- Okay, you let her go, but where? With who? How? Speak! - said Thomas very loudly.

- I don’t know! I don’t know anything! I only know that she caught a taxi.- said Marc very nervous.

- A taxi? So... you know something. Explain me...

- I don’t know anything more. It was a casual taxi.

- Did you see the taxi driver? - asked Thomas.

- No, but it could be anybody. This island is full of illegal taxi drivers. It can be dangerous.

- Illegal taxis? What are you trying to say?

- Well, here, in Ibiza, things aren’t as they seem. There are lots of illegal taxis. People think that Ibiza is like paradise but it isn’t true at all. When you take a taxi, it can be an illegal one, when you meet a girl, she can be a prostitute and when you think you are going to have a great party night, you can end in your deepless nightmare.

- You know an awful lot to be so young… - said Thomas in an ironic way.

- No, everybody here knows it. It’s the harsh reality.

For Thomas it hadn’t been a normal interrogatory. On one hand, he seemed a normal boy, worried about the case and very coherent with his words but on the other hand, seemed that he knew lots of things about the island.

Thomas had to continue with the investigation and if the girl had arrived to Formentera, it had to be crossing the ocean. For this reason, the detective decided to go to the port.
